Tennis Leagues

If you’d like to play in one of our tennis leagues, please contact league coordinator, Nancy Salsman, with the contact form below.

Tennis Leagues

We have leagues to fit everyone’s skill level and schedule.

We have men’s leagues, women’s leagues and mixed leagues.

We have singles and doubles leagues.

Leagues are open to both members and non-members.

What is a league?

A league is simply an email list of people who want to play the same time, on the same day, every week. But you needn’t play every week. 

Every league has a volunteer coordinator who emails everyone in their league once a week to see who wants to play that week. If you want to play, respond to the email to say so, and the league coordinator will book enough courts for everyone who wants to play that week.

Game play varies by league. For example, in the Friday night mixed-up doubles league, two teams play against each other until they have played 8 games, and then switch courts to play a different team. In the Sunday Intermediate Singles league, everyone plays their first opponent until someone on court 1 wins 4 games. At that point, the players on court 1 will yell “switch” and every player will rotate clockwise, onto another court, to play another player. In the 90-minute session, each player will get to play against (and meet) four or five other players.

Each league coordinator is able to assess whether their league is a good fit for you. Generally speaking, members of a league are roughly at the same skill level.

Current Leagues

Check with the front desk to see who you should reach out to about joining one of these leagues; every league has a different volunteer coordinator.

Note: there may be other leagues not on this list as leagues may be added throughout the year.


Ladies Intermediate (9:30 -11:00 am)
Ladies Senior Doubles (5:00 – 6:30 pm)
Mixed Doubles (6:30 – 8:00 pm)


Advanced Doubles (6:30 – 8:00 pm)


Ladies Senior Doubles (5:00 – 6:30 pm)
Intermediate Singles (8:00 -9:30 pm)


Anyone But Men Singles (7:00 – 8:00 am)
Intermediate/Advanced Singles (8:00 – 9:30 pm)


Mixed-up Doubles (6:30 – 8:00 pm)


Intermediate Doubles (2:00 – 3:30 pm)


Intermediate Singles (4:00 – 5:30 pm) 
Doubles for Singles (2:30 – 4:00 pm)

Contact Nancy here to enquire about joining one of our Tennis Leagues: